What Is the Meaning of “Clear Braces” Systems Like Invisalign?
Invisalign and comparable clear-aligner treatments are orthodontic devices that serve to straighten teeth and improve bite patterns over time, similar to braces. Invisalign, unlike traditional braces, uses clear plastic trays (similar to sporting mouthguards) that fit securely over the teeth.
How Do They Function?
The procedure starts with an examination and consultation to evaluate whether you are a good candidate for Invisalign or another clear aligner system. Following confirmation that you are a good candidate, the dentist will digitally scan your teeth and custom fit you for a series of transparent, BPA-free plastic aligners. You will get your first set of trays at your next session. Your doctor will guarantee a good fit, answer any questions you may have, and inform you of the next steps. Following that, you must wear your aligners between 20 and 22 hours every day. As you wear the trays and replace them every two weeks, your teeth will gradually shift into the right, straighter position. While aligners alone are usually sufficient, some individuals may require elevated “buttons” placed to the surface of their teeth to help offer greater traction for teeth to shift. Throughout the treatment, you will be required to return to the dentist’s office approximately once every six to eight weeks to have your progress reviewed and to obtain the new sets of aligners you will be using until the next visit.
How Should I Take Care of My Teeth While Wearing Clear Aligners?
As previously stated, your aligners must be worn for at least 20 hours each day, with the exception of eating, drinking hot drinks (the heat can deform the shape of the trays), and cleaning your teeth. Because the plastic aligners completely cover your teeth, it is critical that you brush them after each meal or snack to ensure that there is no food stuck against them. Even after completing a clear aligner treatment, most patients will need to continue wearing an overnight retainer to preserve the improvements they’ve obtained.
What Are the Benefits of Clear Aligners Compared to Traditional Braces?
In addition to the benefit of straighter teeth that all orthodontic devices may provide, transparent aligners have many notable benefits over conventional braces:
- Plastic aligners are an almost invisible, transparent orthodontic appliance.
- Removable trays allow you to continue eating your favorite dishes while undergoing treatment.
- The smooth plastic of aligners lets you continue participating in all of your favorite activities without fear of cuts or other harm to the inside of your mouth.
- Aligners eliminate the need to deal with damaged brackets or wires, allowing you to skip emergency consultations entirely.
- Removable trays let you continue brushing and flossing as usual during the treatment procedure.
What Kinds of Tooth and Bite Issues Can Clear Aligners Correct?
Invisalign and comparable transparent aligners can help treat a variety of conditions in addition to straightening crooked teeth:
- Underbite Overbite
- Crossbite
- Teeth gaps caused by an open bite
- Overcrowding
- Baby and permanent teeth coexist
When it came to dealing with these orthodontic difficulties, metal braces were virtually always better than clear aligners, until recently. Invisalign and other firms, on the other hand, have continued to innovate and build technology that now produces results equivalent to metal braces.
How Long Does It Take for Clear Aligners to Straighten Teeth and Correct Bite Issues?
The time necessary to entirely fulfill a person’s orthodontic goals with Invisalign or equivalent transparent aligners will vary greatly depending on the specific difficulties being treated, just as it does with metal braces. Some people’s teeth can be totally straightened in as little as six months. Certain conditions, such as overpopulation, may necessitate a 24-month or longer therapy period. Most clear aligner treatments, on average, take between 9 and 18 months to complete.
What Are the Prices for Clear Aligner Treatments?
Treatment costs, like treatment duration for clear braces, may vary greatly based on your specific circumstances. The key factors influencing the cost to you are your dental health, the amount of orthodontic work required, where you reside, and how much your insurance will pay. Without insurance coverage, you can expect to pay anywhere from $3,500 to $8,000 for Invisalign or a comparable clear aligner treatment; the typical cost is somewhat more than $5,000. Compare that to the $3,000 to $7,000 most individuals pay for metal braces, with a $5,000 average cost.